How to Care for a Bernedoodle Puppy

Posted: December 14, 2022   |   Author: Connor Peters, Poodle 2 Doodles' Website Developer

Bernedoodles are designer pups that make the perfect companion dog with the best possible traits. They are loyal, goofy, loving, and smart and are a great match for active families. The Bernedoodle is outgoing and gentle and will give you lots of cuddles if you’re looking for your next best friend.

What is a Bernedoodle Puppy?

A Bernedoodle puppy is a crossbreed between the Bernese Mountain Dog and the Poodle. It is also known as Bernese Mountain Poo and resembles a teddy bear. This friendly puppy possesses the best qualities of both parents to make it a delightful breed quickly rising in popularity. The Bernedoodle puppy comes in four color variations which are black, black, and white, black and brown, and tri-color (black, brown, and white). Bernedoodle fans love the tri-color pup because it looks so much like the Bernese Mountain Dog.

While breeding the Bernedoodle, it can be hard to tell how a litter of puppies will turn out in terms of looks and personality. For the most part, these pups combine the best parts of both parents’ genetics. The majority of them come with a wavy coat similar to the Poodle and shed very little. If the pup has a straighter coat, then it will shed more. When compared to other dog breeds, the Bernedoodle doesn’t shed much of its coat. This tendency makes it a hypoallergenic dog and a good choice for people with allergies to dog dander.

Bernedoodle Personality

The Bernedoodle enjoys human company and the great outdoors. It is an outgoing dog that is extremely active. It has the smart personality of the Poodle and the gentle personality of the Bernese. The percentage of genes that it receives from each parent determines which traits it will have in more abundance. Both the Bernese Mountain Dog and the Poodle are hardworking and intelligent dogs. While the Poodle is smart and loyal, the Bernese Mountain Dog is confident, affectionate, and good-natured. As a result, the Bernedoodle has a good demeanor and great temperament. However, it may tilt more toward either the Bernese Mountain Dog or the Poodle. Speaking to the breeder about the parents of the Bernedoodle will point you in the direction of which personalities are more prominent in your pup.

Bernedoodles are social dogs and great companions. They are extremely gentle with kids, energetic with teenagers, and tender with the elderly. They also love to mingle with other dogs. The Bernedoodle loves lots of playtime and will always be found next to its family. The dog can suffer from separation anxiety if left alone for too long.

Due to their size and personality, most Bernedoodles do well in homes with a yard rather than in apartment buildings, as they could keep bumping into things. The Bernedoodle is wary of strangers and requires early socialization with people and other pets. They also require daily exercise to tend to their playful nature and love lots of cuddle time. Bernedoodles will do well if taken to a park often but are also content to play with you at home. These puppies do not do well with owners who have to be away from home for long periods of time.

How to Train a Bernedoodle Puppy

Like every good-mannered pup, the Bernedoodle puppy requires some training. Although they are smart, hardworking, and intelligent, these puppies will require training to nurture their good demeanor to grow into well-behaved adult dogs.

The first thing you need to do is create a training schedule. As these puppies enter adolescence, they may exhibit some stubbornness following from their Bernese side. You will have to create some structure early on that includes daily routines and establishes you as the leader. Your puppy training schedule should include feeding time, sleeping time, training sessions, and playtime. Your Bernedoodle should know what to expect and when. Provide basic obedience training using food as a reward. 

Bernedoodles are wary of strangers and a bit aloof when they grow older. As a result, they also require some socialization training. If they don’t get this, having visitors in your home with an adult Bernedoodle dog may not be a pleasant experience. Socialize your Bernedoodle puppy with lots of people, children, and other pets. Take them to a dog park often and introduce them to new people. You can get them to sit calmly while on a leash when they meet strangers to curb tendencies of jumping, over-excitement, or aloofness. Integrate some training into their playtime and try to motivate them with different training routines.

How to Care for a Bernedoodle Puppy

Learning how to care for your Bernedoodle puppy should be your topmost priority. Within a week of bringing your puppy home, you should schedule a visit with the veterinarian to discuss the care regimen required to keep your Bernedoodle puppy safe and healthy. You should ask the veterinarian about your puppy’s nutritional needs, possible health problems, ideal growth trajectory, and vaccination requirements. You should then set up a vaccination and neuter schedule.

Exercise and Activity

The Bernedoodle is an active dog and loves to be outdoors. If possible, you should engage your puppy in activities such as running, jogging, hiking and swimming. While Bernedoodles can swim, you will need to teach them how to. If your family isn’t as active, you should ensure to take your Bernedoodle on walks, ideally every day. You can also schedule playtime at home to help your puppy move around. Bernedoodle puppies love playing in the snow. They have thick coats that enable them to enjoy colder weather than other dogs do. During exercise, ensure that you use a leash unless your puppy has mastered recall. You want to be able to get your Bernedoodle puppy out of danger whenever necessary.

Diet and Nutrition

Your veterinarian will provide you with detailed nutritional requirements for your Bernedoodle puppy. You should choose a reputable dog food brand for healthy feed. Your Bernedoodle puppy will need to eat three to four times a day and can start eating two meals a day by six months old. When your puppy is a year old, you should switch to adult dog food. Generally, your Bernedoodle puppy will need 20 calories per lb of body weight every day. The food should have meat as the main ingredient to provide the puppy with the required intake of protein. 

Grooming and Nail Care

Bernedoodles have thick coats that can tangle easily and become harder to brush. If your Bernedoodle puppy’s coat is wavy or curly, you should brush it several times a week to avoid matting. If the coat is straight, you should brush it at least once a week. Bernedoodles with straighter coats will shed, making it necessary for you to invest in a vacuum cleaner. You should visit the groomer for a trim every couple of months. This is especially important if the Bernedoodle puppy has a wavy or curly coat. You should also clip their nails and clean their ears often.

Health Issues

Bernedoodles are healthier than their parents. They have a longer lifespan than their Bernese Mountain Dog mother, who is prone to developing bone cancer. However, they can develop hip and elbow dysplasia and skin problems. Tiny Bernedoodles can also develop digestive problems following their Poodle father. To know what health issues to expect, you should speak to your veterinarian and the dog breeder. You can check the hip and elbow scores of the parents to determine if your Bernedoodle puppy is safe from dysplasia. Proper dieting and the right nutrition should prevent unexpected health conditions from arising.


What Should I Feed My Bernedoodle Puppy?

For Tiny and Mini Bernedoodle puppies, you can use a small breed dog food, while for Standard Bernedoodle puppies, you can use a specially formulated large breed dog food. Check the protein content of the feed and ensure that you buy from a good dog food company.

How to Stop Bernedoodle Puppy from Biting

You can stop your Bernedoodle puppy from biting through training. You can use the ‘leave it’ command whenever it is biting and also use positive reinforcement when it bites softly.

Are Bernedoodle Puppies Hypoallergenic?

Yes, they are. They do not shed their coats, and the straighter-haired Bernedoodle puppies shed very little compared to other dog breeds. Bernedoodle puppies are a good match for people with dog dander allergies.

How big do Bernedoodle Puppies Get?

The Bernedoodle comes in three sizes which are the Tiny Bernedoodle, the Mini Bernedoodle, and the Standard Bernedoodle. The Tiny Bernedoodle is a cross between a Toy Poodle and a Mini Bernedoodle. They weigh anywhere from 10 to 24 pounds and are 12 to 17 inches tall. Mini Bernedoodles are a cross between a Miniature Poodle and a Bernese Mountain Dog. They weigh 25 to 29 pounds and grow up to 22 inches tall. The Standard Bernedoodle is a cross between a Standard Poodle and a Bernese Mountain Dog. They weigh from 50 to 90 pounds and reach a height of 29 inches. The female Bernedoodle is often smaller than the male Bernedoodle. They both reach their full size around two years old.

How Much are Bernedoodle Puppies?

Bernedoodle puppies cost between $2000 – $5000. They do not come cheap. Bernedoodle puppies going for a lower asking price may be poorly bred.

Check out our Bernedoodle puppies to find your next best friend!