A Complete Guide To Goldendoodle Potty Training

Posted: April 2, 2021   |   Author: Jill Verduin, Poodle 2 Doodles' Owner

If you’re getting a Goldendoodle puppy, one of the most important things you need to do straight away from day one is potty train your new pet.
Potty training can be a frustrating, time-consuming process that can be daunting, especially if you’re new to dog ownership. So, we put together this simple, step-by-step guide to house training your Goldendoodle puppy so that you’re prepared and ready for the task ahead.

Buy Important Supplies

Before you get your dog home, there are some essential supplies that you’ll need for potty training him, including:

Don’t wait until you get your new pet home; be sure to order everything you need in good time.

Routine Is Essential

Using the principle of Pavlov’s dogs, you can create a routine to teach when it’s time to go potty.

With most dogs, the need to relieve themselves coincides with eating and drinking, so you can combine your pup’s feeding schedule with his house training. Of course, a bowl of fresh water must always be available for your pet to take a drink when he needs to, and you’ll need to monitor his fluid consumption, as that will dictate when and how often he needs to pee.
As a general rule, you should take her outside for a comfort break 20 minutes or so after he’s eaten or had a drink.

When you go to bed at night, always take your dog outside to go potty so that he will settle down comfortably. Many puppies sleep right through the night without needing to relieve themselves, as long as you remember to take them outside before bedtime. Similarly, the first thing you should do in the morning before you feed him is to take your puppy outside to relieve himself.

Monitor Your Puppy’s Behavior

In the early days of your Goldendoodle potty training, you’ll need to watch him closely to spot signs of when he needs to relieve himself. Usually, puppies do a fair amount of sniffing, circling, and scratching before they do the deed, so you should have time to quickly take your dog outside before an accident happens.

Older puppies quickly learn that the back door is where they should go when they want to go out. So, if your pup heads for the door, be sure to let him out; he’s telling you that he needs to use the bathroom!

Crate training

Ideally, you want your pup with you all the time so that you can catch him if he needs to go outside. However, at night and when you leave your home, you should train your pet to wait in a crate.
The crate should not be too big. You don’t want your puppy to assume that one end of the crate is his bathroom. However, it is a good idea to put an absorbent training pad in one corner of the crate in case your puppy gets caught short while you’re not around to let him out.

Every time you let your puppy out of his crate, immediately take him outside so that he can relieve himself. That way, the pup quickly learns to wait to go until you take him out of his crate and let him outside.

Puppy Playpen

A puppy playpen is an excellent idea if you can’t always have both eyes on your dog during house training. While your puppy is safely contained in his playpen, he can’t roam around your home, leaving puddles and parcels where you can’t see them!

A playpen also provides a safe refuge where your furry friend can play or chill-out without getting stressed by the overwhelming amount of space in his new home. And you can pop your pet in his playpen to keep him out of certain rooms in your home without having to close every single door in your house!

Take Your Puppy Outside Frequently

In the early days, when your puppy is learning about house training, you’ll need to take him outside every 30 minutes or so. That will help prevent accidents in the house and teach the puppy that outside is where he should pee, not on your carpets!

If possible, take your pup outside on his leash and pick a particular area that your pet can use as a “latrine.” That saves your whole garden from becoming soiled, makes the clean-up process quicker and easier, and gives your puppy his own special place to relieve himself, which helps the training process.

Dog urine has a lingering odor that effectively marks the area as your puppy’s own, so he will always use the same spot.

Choose A Clear Command

Whenever you take your puppy outside for a comfort break, you need to use a single command so that he learns what you expect him to do.

Repeat the command in an upbeat tone whenever your pet does his business. You can use any word you like, as long as it’s clear and you’re consistent in using it. After a few weeks, when you use the command, the pup will begin to show pre-potty behavior, such as sniffing or circling, before he relieves himself.

Remember to make a huge fuss of your dog when he responds appropriately to your command, and reward him with a treat.

Always Use Positive Reinforcement

Always use praise and reward when training your Goldendoodle puppy to do anything, including potty training.

You don’t have to feed your puppy treats every time he gets it right; a cuddle and fuss are just as effective in getting your message across.

How To Deal With Accidents

No matter how diligent you are in training your pet, accidents will happen, especially in the early days of your house training lessons. That’s just part and parcel of puppy ownership!
Never punish your pet if he makes a mistake; always respond with patience and kindness. If you catch your puppy mid-accident or right afterward, say “No!” firmly, and clap your hands to startle him. Your aim isn’t to frighten your pet but to make it clear to him that you disapprove of his behavior.

Immediately, take the puppy outside to reinforce that this is where he should relieve himself, not indoors.

Accidents After The Fact

Unfortunately, it’s inevitable that your puppy will have an accident at some time while you’re not around. Although it’s never pleasant to step in a wet patch or discover a small “present” that your pet has left for you, you must not punish him in retrospect.

Animals don’t understand the significance of an event that’s happened hours or even minutes previously, so punishing your dog for an old accident is pointless and will only make him afraid of you. He might even begin to associate relieving himself with punishment, which will cause horrendous problems with house training.

Remove Odors Immediately

If your Goldendoodle puppy does his business on your carpet, you need to clean the mess up right away with a good cleaning product that’s specifically designed to tackle pet urine odors.
Urine and feces leave the dog’s distinctive individual scent in the spot where the deed was done, and your puppy will most likely return to the scene of the crime in the future unless you get rid of the smell. It might also be necessary to cover the spot with an empty box or barricade it with furniture until the pup learns not to go there.

Stress Wetting

Many puppies get thoroughly overexcited when someone comes to your home. Many times that delight manifests as squatting and urinating when the puppy greets you or your visitors.
Usually, Goldendoodle puppies grow out of that behavior as they get older. However, in the interim, you can distract your excited pet by offering him a treat when visitors arrive or you come home.

Puppy Training Pads

Puppy training pads can be extremely useful when house training your Goldendoodle, especially if you can’t always be around to let him outside. Place the pad somewhere that it’s okay for your puppy to relieve himself. For example, you might put the pad close to the back door so that your pet can use the pad if you’re not there to let him outside. That way, the puppy will still head to the right place when he needs to go out.

Training pads are quick and easy to clean up, so your home will stay tidy, clean, and odor-free.


Here are the answers to some of the most commonly-asked questions about Goldendoodle house training:

Q: Are Goldendoodles hard to potty train?

A: Generally, Goldendoodles are pretty straightforward to potty train. The breed is intelligent and eager to please, so, provided you’re consistent, positive, and sympathetic, house training your Goldendoodle is usually not problematic.

Q: At what age can a Goldendoodle puppy be potty trained?

A: You can generally start house training a Goldendoodle puppy at around five weeks of age. That said, the older the pup, the easier it will be for him to understand what’s required of him.

Q: How long can Goldendoodles hold their pee?

A: Many new Goldendoodle puppy owners want to know how long their pet can last before he needs to pee. That depends on several factors, including the puppy’s age, how long he has been in your home, and how consistent you are with your training. Of course, young puppies have smaller bladders than fully grown dogs, which is also a consideration.

Interestingly, there seems to be a direct correlation between a puppy’s age and how long he can hold it. Generally, the pup’s age in months equates to the number of hours he can wait between toilet stops. So, a two-month-old puppy should be able to hold his pee for around two hours. At six months old, the puppy should be able to wait for six hours. Overnight, most young dogs can hold it for 1.5 times longer than that.

If your Goldendoodle puppy needs to pee excessively frequently or appears to be having difficulty or experiencing discomfort when he pees, he might have an infection. In that case, consult your veterinarian right away.

Q: How long does it take to house train a Goldendoodle puppy?

A: Goldendoodles are highly intelligent dogs, and it won’t take too long for your pet to learn when and where to relieve himself.

Of course, your training must be consistent and sympathetic to be effective, and it helps if you can be around for most of the day to keep an eye on your pup. Also, some puppies are quicker learners than others. However, as a general rule of thumb, you can expect that it will take from two to five months to fully potty train your puppy.

Final Thoughts

Goldendoodles are highly intelligent, trainable dogs that are quick to learn and eager to please, so house training your pup is a relatively straightforward process.

Remember that accidents are almost bound to happen from time-to-time. Be kind, sympathetic, and consistent, and always use positive reinforcement when training your Goldendoodle. Never punish your furry friend when he makes a mistake; that’s inevitable and all part of the learning process for both you and your canine companion!